Hey guys!! So today i just wanted to talk for a minute about life.
So i know growing up I wasn't the only one who got teased. Boys would tease girls all the time but i feel like the times when it hurt the most was when other girls would tease me.
Don't lie i know i am not the only one who has either been the butt end of a joke or the one who started it.
Highschool was awful for me. I was constantly made fun of by a group of girls. They would yell obeseness things at my in the hallways or comment on my pictures on social media. They used to comment on my pictures on Facebook about how i was fat, I needed to stop eating, and about how ugly i was. Sometimes they would call my phone telling me I didn't deserve to live.
This isn't easy for me to talk about so bear with me.
Sometimes it would get so bad i would leave my phone off for days just so i wouldn't have to hear what they were saying about me. I missed so much school in high school. I would call my mom saying I'm sick atlas once a week when in reality i was to ashamed to go to a certain class. I was too scared to go to a class that these girls were in because i couldn't handle what they would say to me.
I hated myself back then. I have always been self conscience about my weight but those girls took it to a level that i couldn't handle.
This blog is not for me to whine about my younger years being bullied but rather for any bully out there to understand the impact they have on other people.
I considered suicide a few times. Could you imagine if i had gone through with that?
I hope these girls are reading this and know exactly who they are because they need to know the impact they made.
If you are a bully you need to read this. If i had taken my life because of these girls i wouldn't be able to experience everything I have in the years since high school.
I would have never met my fiancé.
I wouldn't be getting married next month.
I wouldn't have the great job i have.
I would never have gotten to do all the amazing things I've accomplished.
But i do want to thank them for one thing. Because of the way they treated me and the way they made me feel I now know that I am strong. I will never let anyone hurt me so much that I don't want to live anymore. I am strong. I control my future and no one will get in my way again.
Those girls may have been important in high school but now that we are adults now i see how life truly is. I have a great job and a finance that loves me and a loving family behind me.
Women should empower each other not bring each other down! We had so many generations on men degrading and devaluing women and now women are doing this to themselves. We should spend our time encouraging and empowering each other! There is absolutely no excuse for the way women treat each other. It is not a competition ladies!!! You may be jealous because another woman is taller, or thinner, or has longer hair, or maybe you think she is prettier but she probably thinks the same about you or another woman. Instead of being jealous we should celebrate what we love about ourselves!
So i challenge everyone who reads this to comment below with atleas one thing you love about yourself! It doesn't have to be a body feature! If you love your laugh let me know! I want to know anything you love about yourself! Share it with the world!
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